The Calling is an animation series produced for U.S. Army featuring the moving stories of five young Americans who made the most important decision of their lives.
Our film was dedicated to Jennifer. Although she had a difficult childhood, she learned that no matter how hard life gets, there are still good, helpful people in the world - the kind she aspired to become.
Discover her story.
Jennifer - The Calling
BluBlu Studios
Directed by:
BluBlu Studios, Laundry
Animation Directors:
Jacob Kurek, Milosz Kokociński
Art Director:
Jagoda Klaczyńska
Head of Animation:
Miłosz Kokociński
Jarek Nowak
Jagoda Klaczyńska, Ewa Baran, Maciej Kachel, Jakub Kozłowski
Miłosz Kokociński, Karolina Specht, Jagoda Kaleta, Michał Machowina, Matijos Gebreselassie, Mehri Saydullaeva, Bartosz Zarzycki, Tomasz Wyrąbkiewicz, Katarzyna Stroińska, Zofia Skórka